The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.

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Winter on the farm

It is cold but there is still lots of cabbage, potatoes, garlic and more in our storage. Remember us if your supply needs replenishing.
It is almost time to plant the tomatoes for the greenhouse. We are mostly finished with planning what should be grown next year and the seed and plants are purchased. A major change in the fields is the move to semi-permanent raised beds for a good portion of the farm. There are many reasons for this change including an increased ability to plant on time even if the weather is adverse. I can also have deeper topsoil in the root zone that is not compacted by the tractor tires.
I have cut some logs out of our woods and milled the lumber I need to build more strawberry carriers. I am also working at closing in the stand building. The goal is to have better and fresher produce because of less sun and wind on the display. We are are also working to set things up better so that our energy can be used to grow good food and love and serve people rather than spending so much work carrying tubs of produce back and forth and in and out.
Andrew is working at some changes to our web presence. We want to develop a website that is as close as possible to giving you a virtual look into our stand so you can see what we have along with prices etc. You should see this toward spring time if we are satisfied with it. Daniel

December 1

Have you ever wondered what happens during this time of the year on a produce farm? We are not planting, weeding and picking things all the time but rather this season is dominated by mostly maintainance and planning. By the end of the month the seed orders need to be in. In about six weeks it is time to seed tomatoes. We also sleep later in the morning and pay more attention to the childrens school and in general just living. This is a good time of the year for us. I like the long winter evenings. We get to relax a bit and eat the food we have stored away. I will not be writing this webblog every week during the winter however the online market remains open for orders through the winter. Daniel