The Weblog

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Fall is near

Fall is coming, and with it the selection of produce at the stand will shift towards sotrage carrots, onions, winter squash, leeks and so on. Cucumbers are nearing the end of the season and canning tomatoes are available for anyone looking to make sauce. This year we will also be stocking pumpkins for the Halloween season!

As the days cool, attention on the farm shifts to a frenzy of harvest. Potatoes and onions will be dug and stored to cure. Fitting enough winter squash into every nook and cranny, and beets and carrots galore. The Martin Family have been kind enough to teach the Greenwoods the art of food storage. Canning, freezing, and cooking will consistently be happening through the next few weeks.

With the shift in season we would like to note that soon things like cucumbers, basil, green and yellow beans and zuchinni etc. will be finished for the season. So anyone looking to freeze or store, or do some canning should accomplish it sooner rather than later.
As always if you have questions on availability or quantities feel free to give the stand a call!
