The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Potato Harvest is Complete
The potato rooms are full of potatoes again! Bulk potato price is 60 cents per lb ($30 for 50 lbs) for field run potatoes. ( we sort out cut potatoes and serious blemishes before they go into storage when we wash them) Have you ever wondered if it is best to store potatoes with the dirt on or to wash them first? My experiance says it makes little differance as long as they are well dried before putting them away. We wash at harvest time because we do not have good facilities to wash in the winter and most of us prefer less dirt in the kitchen sink. Next we move on to harvest of the late fall crops. We have an abundance of leeks, brussel sprouts, spinach, carrots beets and much more. There are still hot peppers out on the plants which I intend to pick today. We have still not had a frost. The latest first frost date I personally remember was back in the 90s sometime when we made it to October 31st with out frost. This year is close to that record. No, this does not suggest that we should be slow in harvesting the root crops. The year that we had no frost till the end of October had snow that stayed for the winter in early November. Daniel