The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Tomatoes, Lettuce, Cucumbers and u-cut Flowers.
Field lettuce is coming on at full strengh- there is various red and green leafy lettuces along with romaine and summercrisp types. My daughter thinks a field of lettuce ready to harvest is like a work of art. It is beautiful. We are somewhat overstocked on cucumbers at the moment. The tomatoes are slow but we are picking the first few forerunners of the coming abundance we expect from our greenhouse. I just recieved 90 lbs of beautiful red tomatoes from Nathen Zimmermans greenhouse which are at the stand today. This is the last week of asparagus harvest. Strawberries are just starting. The supply this week is very limited because we lost a signifigant amount of the earliest flowers to the freeze a while back. Next week strawberry supply should be more normal. Cool rainy weather now is excellent for the strawberries to grow big and sweet . We plan to open for u-pick starting Saturday.
We have free u-cut flowers this summer as we have in the past. I planted a bigger patch too! Mostly they are still little yet however there are poppies and wildflowers out there now. Daniel