The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
U-pick strawberries Saturday
We plan to open the strawberry fields for u-pick tomorrow (Saturday, June 25,2022) starting at 2 pm. We close at 6 pm or whenever the field is picked and my advice is to get here close to opening time if you wish to be sure of a good picking spot.
There is a fairly large amount of ripe berries out there. They are small but not as small as I feared they might be. The cool weather was kind to the strawberries.
This is getting towards the late part of the season. I still see quite a few green strawberries so I expect that for most or all of next week we will have berries to pick during our normal u-pick times. In about a week or 10 days the patch will go to gleaning- it is still to soon to say exactly when though. Daniel