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Asparagus season now; strawberry season in June

The Farmstand is open Monday through Saturday from 10 am- 6 pm. (Closed Sunday) We are in the main asparagus season now. Asparagus season will last until sometime in mid June. The strawberries are at about 10% bloom now which is normal for this time of the year. The plants look nice and healthy. I expect that the strawberries should be ready for harvest starting about mid June with the season lasting 2-3 weeks as is usual. We had a light frost with temps at 32 degrees yesterday morning. If a strawberry flower is damaged by frost/ freezing the white petals will still look bright but the sunny yellow center of the flower turns black within a few hours or a day. I just was out in the strawberry fields and the flower center are all looking up at me with bright yellow centers. This is wonderful to see they escaped frost damage. The first cucumbers in the greenhouse are almost big enough to pick and there are lots of sizing tomatoes. (still very green) Before you complain about the rain think of us produce farmers. It is so reassuring to hear the rain on the roof and to see the little plants taking ahold and growing. Daniel