The Weblog

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Help wanted at martins Farmstand for this summer

The farm stand is open today (Saturday, March 26) from noon till 5 pm.
Canning jars and glass loop jugs like we use for vinegar and syrup are still somewhat scarce and expensive. One of the better ways to recycle is to reuse. Glass is very easy to sterilize. We here at Martins Farmstand appreciate donations of your used canning jars and loop jugs if you have more than you need. Do not just throw them away.
We are looking to hire more help (part time or full time) for the stand this spring, summer and fall. The job consists of customer service and checkout along with all the other jobs that keep a stand stocked and orderly. This includes helping to wash and trim incoming produce, pack orders as needed, refill displays, sweep floors, etc. If you or someone you know is interested tell us about who you are why you would like this job. On farm housing is a possibility. Daniel