The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Sweet tender lettuce and homegrown grapes
This is September and the farmstand is full of the late summer/early fall bounty. We are overstocked on lettuce at the moment as two plantings are ready at once. Today we are offering one free head of lettuce to each person that comes out. (as supplies last) The watermelons are also very plentiful and on sale. Our grapes vines have yielded nicely this year. We are picking them as needed for the stand. (also u-pick) There are various kinds to chose from. (All seeded slip skin juice type). Canning tomatoes are abundant. Sooner is better than later to get your canning tomatoes as the season goes by quicker than one may think. We encourage our customers to cut a free bouquet of flowers (u-cut) to enjoy as well as take a bouquet to a person whose spirits could use n uplift. Daniel