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U-pick Saturday June 26 Still abundant berries

We will open the strawberry and pea patches for u-pick in the morning (Saturday, June 26) at 7 am. This is the last formal u-pick day for this year. I just came in from walking through the fields. There are a lot more berries out there than I expected and some of them are bigger than I was expecting to see. They liked the cooler weather and sized up nicely. I am estimating that if we have enough pickers we can harvest 1,500 quarts tomorrow. The late berries are so very good. I ate my fill as I was scouting the fields. Some of those little gems are almost like candy.
The patch in the front behind the barn and the little patches out past post two are in half price gleaning status. Those patches are almost finished.
The patches at the top of the hill after post 1 and the big one way back past post three still have better picking and are open for picking at regular price.
Starting Monday June 28 all the strawberry patches will in self service, half price gleaning status. Come to the stand after you are finished for check out. There are still some green berries that will be ripening over the next week. Any patches in gleaning status are open every day except Sunday during normal stand hours.
