The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
U-pick on Monday June 21- lots of strawberries available
We will open the Strawberry patches for u-pick on Monday June 21 starting at 7 AM. This is the late part of the peak season- there are lots of berries that need picked tomorrow. The big patch way in the back has especially good picking now. This is the second week of the season and the average berry size is dropping (this is normal) There are still some green berries left so I judge we will be picking on u-pick days for another 7-10 days. At that point of the season the patch goes into half price gleaning status for as long as there are small berries left.
Hours for u-pick are Monday starting
at 7 AM; Wednesday, start 2 PM (no morning picking on Wednesdays); Saturday, start 7 AM. This repeats through out the whole season. The patch closes when the berries are all picked or at 6 PM. Daniel