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Strawberry flowers and Asparagus

The strawberries are in full bloom now. Judging by this the timing on the strawberry season is likely to be somewhere near the normal time. Peak strawberry season is usually about 1 month after peak bloom. The plants are nice and healthy and in general all looks normal in the strawberry patch. We need rain though. We are irrigating them as needed.
This is the prime part of asparagus season. If you want to do any bulk purchases this year sooner is better than later. We normally stop cutting asparagus about the time strawberries start however we had severe drought last summer which weakened the crowns. I am watching the strength of the emerging spears and there is a chance we will stop cutting a bit sooner if warranted.
We are starting to pick the first few cucumbers. Greenhouse tomatoes and cucumbers should become more abundant in mid June. Daniel