The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Weblog Entry
The farm stand is open this afternoon from 12:30- 5 pm. We have an assortment of early spring vegetables- Kale, lettuce, both onion and garlic scallions, spinach and a few mushrooms. The bulk food room has goodies waiting for you and there is an abundance of eggs.
Also starting today we have Eden Select Coffee. This coffee is imported and roasted by a family right here in Stockholm. They get the beans from some Mennonites that live in Nicaragua. They told me that this coffee is grown without chemicals. With local growers I actually go and visit the farms that I buy from to see for myself how they are farming. In this case I have not seen the coffee plants in person as they grow far away.
We do not have asparagus today. There are many thousands of spears that are about 2-3 inches tall but the soil is still cold (43 degrees as of this morning) and it only grew about a half inch in the last 10 days. As soon as we have a few warm days or a warm rain there will be a lot all at once. The weather forecast looks like that is not till mid- late next week. I will post once we have asparagus. Daniel