The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Weblog Entry 11/6/20
I like this lovely warm weather. It is nice to be working at harvesting and washing crops such as carrots with warm sun on the back and with warm hands. The late carrots are very nice with a good yield. Bulk price for nice carrots is $1.25 per lb. (25 lb. bag $31.25)
The spinach, cilantro, brussel sprouts and kale came through the cold of the past week and are ok. There is even still some lettuce. We have lots of nice cauliflower. (bulk price $1.50/lb for 10 + lbs)
There is no broccoli for today but the plants came through ok and I expect to be picking broccoli again early next week. Brussel sprouts are abundant this year with an estimated 1,000 lbs. still left in the garden behind the barn. Bulk sale price for brussels is $2.25 lb. for 10 + lbs.
Andy Yoder is planning to be here at the stand again this afternoon from noon to 4:30pm selling his good homegrown chicken. Daniel