The Weblog

This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.

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There are lots of tomatoes available today including canner tomatoes. (protected from the early frost) The garden is full of all the greens such as spinach, kale, lettuce, Brussel sprouts, etc. The potato harvest is finished. I have about 10 tons here in storage. Anytime now is time to get your winters supply. Today while it is warm we are expecting to finish planting the garlic and to lift the glad bulbs.
The Andy Yoder family is raising a batch of broiler chickens. They will be here at the stand selling them from noon to 4:30 pm today. They are also planning to be here with chicken on Oct 30 and Nov 6. Prices are $2.75 per lb Bulk prices are $2.50 for 10 + and $2.25 per lb for 25 + birds. Larger amounts need to be pre ordered and prepaid.
Summer hours on the stand will continue till Thanksgiving. In December we will also be open with reduced hours. I am not sure what that schedule will be yet. Daniel
