The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Chicken and Potatoes.
A few highlights of the moment are a lovely harvest of beautiful cabbage cauliflower and broccoli and lots of Brussel sprouts. I lowered the price on sprouts. We are also overstocked on celery and butternut squash. We got the last row of potatoes out of the field last evening just before dark and the rain. It is always a relief to finish a big job. It gave about 10 tons which is fairly normal. We pick them up by hand. Potato prices are unchanged from last year. We wash them and grade out anything that is not expected to store. Bulk potato prices are as follows. If you take whole crates as they come the price is 40 cents per lb. First grade is 50 cents and seconds are 20 cents per lb. The Andy Yoder family is raising a batch of broiler chickens. They will be here at the stand selling them from noon to 4:30 pm on Friday Oct 23, Oct 30 and Nov 6. Prices are $2.75 per lb Bulk prices are $2.50 for 10 + and $2.25 per lb for 25 + birds. Larger amounts need to be pre ordered and prepaid. Daniel