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pre-frost harvesting abundance

Yesterday the produce growers of this area were harvesting all sorts of produce. There was concern that we could have a frost.(and we did) This abundance is here at the stand waiting for someone to come and buy it. A few last chance items of this moment are sweet corn. There are 8 bags (4-5 dozen) available @$12 in addition to the normal by the dozen pricing. The girls were picking beans and we have about 20 bushels here. ($15 per 1/2 bushel box) There are also lots of peppers and canning tomatoes, watermelon and so much more.
In addition to this last chance list there are many frost tolerant and storage crops The harvest will continue till the weather gets very cold. In this group there are most of the herbs such as cilantro and parsley, leeks, radish rutabaga, spinach, lettuces kale etc. There is a glorious selection of winter squash and about 50 lbs. of Brussel sprouts picked for today. We have some sweet potatoes already dug. The main sweet potato harvest will be next week. After a curing period It will be time to lay your stock away for winter storage. For the best flavor and storage potential we cure sweet potatoes for about 10 days in a space that is about 85 degrees and with fairly high humidity. After that they like 50 to 70 degrees and dry.