The Weblog

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We are open on Labor day. Overstock on grape tomatoes and watermelon

At the moment we are overstocked on grape tomatoes. I have them on sale @ $1 pint for any quantity. There are also several extra bins of watermelon and cantaloupe priced @2.50 each mix or match. Last evening I was in the lettuce field harvesting some of the nicest lettuce I have ever grown. The heads are big, sweet and tender. There is getting to be a nice selection of winter squash here. (best selection in late September)The boys weighed a few of the biggest butternut squash- over 10 lbs each! The next planting of beans are ready to pick. ($15 per box) My Dad makes a really good homemade vinegar. This is made with pure apple juice from our no- spray apples with nothing added. It is still raw so you get all the benefits that God has put in living vinegar. The new batch from last years apples is 12 months old and ready for your table. This is the time of abundance.
On the disappointing side it looks like there will not be organic beef available as we expected. There was a problem at the USDA plant that the cows were sent to with no inspector being available on the day we were scheduled. They called us and said to come pick our cows back up. It appears that there are no replacement openings available till sometime next year. This is a really bad deal for us with us paying for the trucking twice. We are not prepared to feed them for another winter so they got sent to the sale barn with us having little expectation of getting any reasonable price for them. Some aspects of the the food system are just broken. Daniel