The Weblog
This page contains news, event information, and other items added by the market managers.
Summer Hours Ending Wednesday
It feels good to be almost finished harvesting an abundant crop of all the fall crops. There are only leafy greens such as kale and spinach left to pick. The stand is still well stocked with all sorts of good food. As I was working I got to wondering how many thousands of crates full of produce have gone through our stand this year. If there are 30- 60 bushels of vegetables brought in on most days and this goes on for 150 days that is…. a lot. It amazes me as I think about how much food can be grown on about 25 acres of good farmground. This year we had a rough spring for growing things with a very dry April and May along with wild temperature swings including a hard freeze at the end of May. We had really good weather for crops all summer and fall. The weather was warm enough without being to hot. We had regular rains as we needed them. The fall harvest was good enough that even without a strawberry crop we have enough money to live well and and improve the infrastucture. Thank-you God for taking care of us.
Wednesday, November 18 will be the last day of normal summer hours for this year so make sure you are stocked up for thanksgiving needs by then. Any online orders this week need to be picked up by Wednesday evening rather than the normal Thursday pickup time. The online market will be closed for the week of thanksgiving. We want to have two full weeks to be completely off duty and then in early December winter hours will start. Winter hours are informal. We are always closed Sundays and other days we will give service during normal hours if we are available. Daniel