Our farm stand is located at 11 Needham Road in Potsdam, NY. It is open May through November from 10 am-6 pm, Tuesday-Saturday.(summer hours)
Winter hours (posted in header above)
Here you will find a large, ever changing selection of chemical-free produce when it is in season. You can contact us at 315-265-1246.
Thank you for your patronage! Daniel and Mendy Martin
Buyers pick their orders up at Martin’s Needham Road Market from 12:30 PM till 6 PM.
We also have our regular physical farm stand. It is open from Early May when the asparagus harvest starts through November, 10 am- 6 pm, Tuesday-Saturday. Here you will find a large, ever changing, selection of chemical-free produce when it is in season, located at 11 Needham Road in Potsdam. Our contact number is 315-265-1246.
If you have any problems with this site or if you have any questions, please contact us at martinsfarmstandpotsdam@gmail.com or 315-265-1246.
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Maple Syrup
Maple Syrup