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Bargins for Saturday July 8th

I have a few overstock bargains for Saturday July 8th at Martins Farmstand. We are at the time of the year that the gardens are starting to yield their bounty. Medium sized cucumbers @ $7 per half bushel (15 available) These are some of the earliest field cucumbers and the cucumber beetles were rough on the plants so there is quite a bit of scarring on the skin. Not pretty but they taste good and would make pickles. Broccoli ( 10 bushels available) @ $15 per half bushel (10 lbs). Lettuce of all sorts (1 free head per person as supplies last). Garlic scapes ( 1 free handful per person as supplies last). Zucchini beautiful first quality zucchini @ $7per box ( 20 available). We also have lots of cabbage and new potatoes and more. As is normal all this produce is grown using organic methods. Daniel