The Weblog

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Summer hours (10 am-6 pm Mon-Sat) will be ending on Saturday November 15th. In the meantime you will still find a wonderful spread of late fall vegetables including lots of nice lettuce at the stand and on the website. There are still a lot of nice greens and lettuce in the field. We do not usually get to harvest nice lettuce this late into November.
In the past few weeks we have been filling the coolers and cellers with all the bounty that is still in the fields. This will be available throughout the winter, on our website, at the Potsdam Coop, and at our house on a call ahead or ring the doorbell basis. It is our delight serve you during the winter. Daniel

November 3

We still have lots of beautiful greens this week. I harvested 20 tubs of lettuce, spinach, parsley, chard, cilantro and more Saturday afternoon ahead of the freeze so I have product that is perfect for your dinner. I hope you come and stock up as I can’t eat it all myself. I think it is kind of fun ( if I am not too cold or tired) to be out in the field harvesting things such as carrots, beets, lettuce, etc. It is wonderful to be placing piece after piece of this beautiful produce into buckets or crates. It is also wonderful to anticipate all the good meals that this makes possible. The other aspect that is wonderful is how these beautiful carrots, or turnips have appeared out of nothing in a sense. Nobody else has less because we have this crop. The rule that for one to gain another has had to lose is not true. I think this is delightful. God is still creating things. Let us enter into relationship with him. Daniel

Oct 27

Summer hours (10 am-6 pm Mon-Sat) will be ending on Saturday November 15th. In the meantime you will still find a wonderful spread of late fall vegetables at the stand and on the website.
In the next few weeks we will fill the coolers and cellers with all the bounty that is still in the fields. This will be available throughout the winter, on our website, at the Potsdam Coop, and at our house on a call ahead or ring the doorbell basis. We will start a more relaxed lifestyle. There are some things that I like about winter. Daniel

Celeriac and parsnips

We still have a large selection of good food at our stand. Eat up on things like lettuce, celery, peppers etc. There lots of them now, soon they will be gone.
This is the season to be thinking about packing a stash of the storage vegetables away. Potatoes like cool and dark (45-55 degrees), Squash likes warm and dry (45-70 degrees), Onions and garlic like dry and some air circulation (32- 75 degrees) These are all harvested and ready for you now. Next week we will be harvesting red beets, carrots, turnips, rutabaga, parsnips, celeriac etc for storage. This group gets stored moist and as cold as you can with out freezing. You can pack them into wet sand or sawust to keep the humidity in them or if if you can keep them cold (30s)just plain plastic bags work ok. Should we save some for you?
Does your diet change as the selection of local food changes? Eat lots of what is in season; by the time you are tired of it something else will be coming into season. Daniel

Raspberries and Pac Choi

We are open today. (Columbus Day) The stand is packed full of wonderful, beautiful produce. I have some really nice pac choi right now and the spinach is mild and good and very abundant. It is still season yet for fall raspberries and at this moment there is nobody scheduled to pick at all this week. The mild weather and sunshine makes the berries sweet and good.

I plan to plant next years garlic this week and it is time to dig the glad bulbs. All the cover crops that I planted in the past month are coming up green and beautiful- This is a wonderful time of the year. Daniel

Storage Potatoes

Potatoes by the bushel, potatoes galore, we have red, white, russet, yellow,and sweet potatoes. We dug the Irish potatoes last week in that beautiful dry weather. It gave about 5 tons of potatoes. Bushels (40 lbs) of potatoes are priced at $20. It is best if you can bring your own bag or box to put them in. We also have seconds potatoes at half price. All our potatoes are grown without the aid of chemical fertilizers or any other chemicals. Enjoy the finest.
It is time now to be getting your winter needs of onions, squash and potatoes. Carrots, beets, parsnip, turnips etc are best left in the ground as long as possible. For best storage wait for those until the last week of October. Daniel

Peppers, arugula and watermelon

We are having wonderful growing weather again. I was impressed this morning how much the spinach, lettuce, cilantro etc. grew over the weekend. The plantings that are timed for October will get ready. I was not sure about them for a bit in that cold cloudy weather a few weeks back. The arugula is exceptionally mild and sweet right now- give it a try.
Now is the time to get your sweet and hot peppers for freezing or pickling if you have not done so yet. We have lots of them right now.
I picked 3000 lbs of watermelons on Friday. From now till the pile gets small we are giving a free watermelon to anybody that buys one. (buy 1 get 1 free).
I am looking for a few good deer hunters. If interested contact me or Melvin. Daniel

September 22

We had frost the one day last week but it did not kill everything. The peppers and beans survived. The top leaves were burned off. We have a small stream of tomatoes coming from the greenhouse again. You will also find a splendid selection of all sorts of fall vegetables on the website and in our stand. This includes cabbage, beets, sweet potatoes, lettuce, white, red, and russet potatoes, kale, pak choy, celery, onions and much more. Come and check us out- you will find something that is good for your supper. Daniel

Potatoes and canning tomatoes

Fall is coming and it is getting pretty cool to be out picking early in the morning. Long johns and a good coat help a great deal however to make it ok to be out.
We have a lot of canning tomatoes right now. Last week we were picking over 1000 lbs at a time and most of them found a good home. It looks to me that the tomato supply will drop a lot soon so do not procrastinate.

We planted 1200 lbs of seed potatoes in late June. Potato bugs can be a problem for organic potatoes, however if they are planted in late June they usually do not get many bugs. This is one of the reasons we plant the largest amount of potatoes so late and only small amounts early for new potatoes. We should have a large amount of Irish potatoes available in late October. There are red, white, russet, and yellow kinds planted. Daniel

Sweet potatoes

In the next few days we plan to be starting the sweet potato harvest. They will be available for fresh eating right away. I need about a week or ten days after digging them to cure them for storage. We are also planning to start hauling winter squash in from the fields. Not all of them are ready yet. The best selection for storage Squash will be in about two to four weeks from now. Most of the onions are finished curing however The copra is not ready yet. The website is open for orders. Daniel