The Weblog

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July 4th strawberry update

We will be open for berry picking starting at 7 AM tomorrow morning (July 5). This is the late part of strawberry season. I have 18 rows of Cabot berries that are larger. All the rest of the fields still have a lot of tiny gems in them. After tommorrow, the strawberry patches will be open on Monday, starting at 7 AM and Wednesday starting at 2 PM. That will be the end of formal u-pick hours and the fields will be open for gleaning style picking during regular stand hours. Daniel

Still more strawberries

We picked over 1000 LBS of strawberries today. However, it seems as if they are ripening faster than we were picking. We will be open for u-pick tomorrow (Tuesday). If you come in the 7-10 AM time window before regular stand hours you may have to ring the doorbell or look for me in the field. Daniel

June 30 peas and strawberries

The online market is open for orders. We will start picking both sugar snap and hull peas for the stand tommorow. I kind of enjoy picking peas and they are so good. I especially find myself snacking on the snap peas. We will be open for strawberry picking at 7 AM tommorrow (Monday) morning. The heat makes them ripen fast- there are a lot of berries for tomorrow. Come to help me pick them as I can not pick them all myself. This is the mid-late part of strawberry season. There are still a lot of green berries so I believe that we will be still have some strawberries for another ten days or so. Daniel.

Strawberries June 28

The next picking for strawberries at Martins is tommorrow (Saturday) morning starting at 7 AM. This is the mid late part of the strawberry season. There is a lot of berries but the size is dropping off. Next weeks schedule is Monday starting 7 AM, Wednesday starting 2 PM, and Saturday starting at 7 AM. Daniel

Abundant Strawberries

The next picking for strawberries starts at 2 PM tommorrow (Wednesday) afternoon. Tommorrow’s picking has the potential to go well over 2000 quarts- there are a lot of berries in every patch that will be nicely ripened by picking time. This is the time to fill the freezer- or maybe you just wish to to pick some to go with homemade ice cream or shortcake. Strawberries are a wonderful way to enjoy summer. Make sure you get your taste of them soon. Daniel


We will be open for strawberry picking at 7 AM tommorrow (Monday) morning. I just was walking around and looking things over. The strawberries were picked very hard yesterday including some of the green tip berries that should have been for tommorrow. This along with the fact that it is still early in the season means the picking is not going to be real good and probably will not last long in the morning. I see about 300 -400 quarts for tommorrow. The next picking after tommorrow will be Wednesday afternoon starting at 2 PM. (no morning picking on Wed.)The time period from June 25 -July 2 is when the berries will be the most abundant.
The online market is open for orders. We have garlic scapes now. I found a simple way to fix them that is good. I just put a bit of oil into the blender and chopped the scapes into the oil along with a bit of salt. It makes a nice pesto type of thing. I used it as a spread on my sandwich or it can go into any recipe that wishes for a mild fresh garlic flaver. Daniel


The first picking for u-pick strawberries starts at 7 AM Saturday June 21. There is a lot of red berries in the field today (wednesday) already so the picking should be real good by Saturday. We also are starting now to pick for the stand. The peak season will be next week and the following week.

The fields are located behind our stand at 11 Needham Road, Potsdam.

Our picking hours are 7-11 am and 2-6 pm or until the field is picked. We start back over the field every Monday at 7 am, Wednesday at 2pm (no morning picking Wednesday)and Saturday at 7 am. We are open on the inbetween days if we have not finished the patch the day before. These picking days repeat every week.
U-pick price is $1.30 per lb. Please bring your own containers. We weigh your containers when you come and then again after you are finished.
We also have picked berries on the stand as the supply lasts for $3.75 a quart. If you take 10 or more they are $3.00 a quart on days that strawberries are abundant.
I also offer share picking, you take one home for each two you pick for us. Daniel

Weblog Entry June 16

The online market is open for orders. We have lots of nice tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce. My boys found a few quarts of strawberries that were near ripe. They were very good with the cake. The plants are packed full of green strawberries. I will send an update later this week with the first picking dates. I think it will be either Saturday (June 21 or Monday June 23. The bulk of the strawberries are still dead green- It will be 10-14 days till peak season. All the rain and cool this past week was perfect for strawberries while they are sizing. It gives them time to grow big and sweet better than warm weather does. This is the last week for asparagus. When you come to our farm you are getting some of the finest “No spray” food around. You will also find that some of the headlands, pond banks and edges have not been mowed recently. I do this limited mowing on purpose as part of insect managment. You will also find assorted cover crops. Some of the effect is to provide food and cover for benificials and some of it is working as trap crops for bad bugs. I hope you enjoy some of our fine food this summer. Daniel

June 9

It is another beautiful day in the life of a farmer. There is 100s of lbs of tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini to pick from the greenhouse. Outside there is lots of radish, green onions, asparagus, lettuce and more. We have grown all this fine food for you. I hope you enjoy eating it as we have enjoyed growing it. The online farmers market is open for orders or just come and get it here at the farm. We are open 10 am- 6 pm Mon- Sat. Daniel

June 2

The online farmers market is open for orders. We have some really lovely lettuce heads right now. They are a bargin at $1.25 each. I just picked the first bucketful of zuchini out of the hoophouse. We also are picking cucumbers now. The plants in the greenhouse are at there full beauty right now- as pretty as the seed catalogue pictures. If you get a chance stop by and take a look at this lovely scene.
It is normally the last week of May or first week of June when the strawberries hit full bloom. They are at full bloom right now so I expect to start picking berries at normal time. (Peak berries should be last week of June.) Daniel